This week is school break, which means VACATION!!! No, my family isn't going anywhere exotic or exciting. We've opted to just stay put in our cozy, wonderful home and relax the week away! We're the type of people who go full speed, 900 miles per hour all the time. This break couldn't have come at a better time! I, for one am sooooo looking forward to sleeping, relaxing and resting!
My very first night of vacation, I slept a full 8 hours! The second night, another full 8 hours! It is a rarity for me to get that much sleep and I cannot even tell you how great I feel. Combine that with a full weekend of sitting around doing very little, and I am a new woman!!! We busy ladies (and mothers) often neglect ourselves, put ourselves LAST on our priority list and hesitate to give our bodies this most basic, precious human requirement - adequate sleep.
Here are some benefits from getting proper sleep:
1. Improves memory.
2. Live longer!
3. Curbs inflammation. Inflammation in the body has been linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and premature aging. Get your sleep and stay away from these awful side effects!
4. Increase creativity. You know how kids have the uncanny ability to come up with impromptu plays, little games or what have you? They sleep A LOT (or at least my kids do). Their brains are well-rested, therefore, the creative juices are flowing!
5. Improve athletic performance. No wonder I have been struggling with my workouts lately. 5-6 hours of sleep a night just isn't cutting it for this girl who needs 8+ hours to rock it out properly!
6. Improve grades. No wonder my children are so smart! :-)
7. Increase attention span. For me, going through a day after getting a less than adequate night's sleep must be what it feels like to have AD/HD. I have a very difficult time focusing and getting tasks completed.
8. Healthy weight. Now here's the kicker! We all want to be at a healthy weight, right? Sleep the proper amount and it could be that much easier!
9. Lower stress. Duh. I think we all know that. A good night's sleep makes you feel calmer and less stressed. That's a no-brainer.
10. Avoid accidents.
11. Combat depression. Raise your hand if you feel weepy and sad when you are chronically sleep deprived!
Also (for me), when I get the proper amount of sleep, I feel happier, am a nicer person to be around (my family can attest to that), I feel like I can do anything, and the "Negative Nellies" disappear. So pull those covers tightly up around your chin, close your eyes, snooze away......and don't feel guilty about those extra few hours of shut eye.
Happy Weekend!
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