~Shaun T.
So today, I began my day doing The Asylum - Speed and Agility. This is an extremely intense workout which incorporates every muscle in your body. Not only is this workout challenging physically, but also mentally. It requires the use of an agility ladder and you have to carefully assess your footing in order to not hit (and move around) the ladder. The Asylum utilizes familiar moves from INSANITY (i.e. power jumps and in/out abs), but in much more tricky sequences - all while using the ladder. There is also very little time to rest or to take water as you move quickly from one pattern to the next. Trust me when I say I was dripping in sweat at the end. Every muscle in my body was shaking. Today's workout is an example of how I aim to complete all of my workouts. I go in with complete focus and 100% commitment to the process as well as the end result.
I (obviously) hold myself to a very high standard when working out. I do not expect the same from everyone, but expect at least a little sweat, a little effort, a heart rate increase and some huffing and puffing. I understand that not everyone can complete extreme workouts, but at least do SOMETHING! When I encourage people to start a home fitness regimen, join a fit club, or begin a program, I often hear "No thanks, I'm doing my own thing." First of all, I wouldn't approach someone who I didn't think could benefit from the physical activity, and second "your own thing"?! What does that even mean??? If it is clear that month after month, "your own thing" is not producing real, visible results, I wonder what is actually happening. Are people only appeasing me or just phoning in their workouts and not being completely honest with themselves? I find this extremely frustrating. I don't know about you, but if I was spending money, time and energy "doing my own thing" and not reaping any benefits, I would be asking for my money back. The truth is, when you give something your all, when you focus, when you approach something with determination (no matter what it is), you WILL see results. However, if the size of your behind is not decreasing, "your own thing" might not be working for you! If your pants are still tight, the very expensive gym membership that you pay for may not be worth the money.

Here are some examples of excuses that really get under my skin:
"I don't have time"
Oh really? Make time!! When it's a priority, you just do it without even giving it much thought. It becomes a habit like brushing your teeth or breathing. I get up at 4:30 in the morning to work out, work a full time job, take graduate classes, have 3 children running around all afternoon/evening with their busy schedules, spend all weekend doing school work and teaching Sunday School, and trying to manage my very full schedule. If I can do it, anyone can do it.
"Exercise is uncomfortable."
Yeah? Well, so is being overweight. I, myself would rather spend 45 minutes a day being uncomfortable, than spend the other 23 hours a day struggling to exist in my own skin.
"Shakeology (or healthy food) is too expensive."
You know, I bought a large (i.e. "venti") mocha at Starbucks a few weeks back (as a treat) and it cost me more than $5. No nutritional value whatsoever (except for perhaps a little calcium in the milk). Shakeology is $4 a day for customers and $3 for Coaches. You do the math. A lot less money for substantially more nutrition. Again, people invest money (or time, or energy) into what is a priority to them. All it takes is a shift in thinking and a reorganization of what a priority is.
"I'm not ready."
This one I do not understand. Ready for what? To feel better? To look better? To have more energy? To be a better person inside and out?
As Shaun T says above - you have to FIND THE FOCUS and you have to live in it! Yes, it is often all too easy to get caught up in the easy. All to easy to slip into sluggishness and apathy. FIND THE FOCUS and stay there! When you live in that mindset, trust me, everything else will fall into place.
I am so excited to offer a Fitness Challenge - starting February 6. So far, I have participants who have chosen to use the INSANITY program, and some who have chosen to use the P90X program. I am honored that these people have put aside their fears, recognized that this will not be an easy journey, have delved deeply into their reasons for entering the challenge, expressed their desires for change and put their trust in me to help get them achieve their goals. These people recognize that "doing their own thing" has not worked for them in the past and a drastic change in priority and focus is needed to get them the healthy, positive results they are looking for.
Want more information about a Fitness Challenge? Leave a comment below with your contact information and I will get back to you.