Friday, June 24, 2011

On the Road to Amazing!

~Tony Horton

I recently purchased Tony Horton's new book "Bring It!".  Tony is the creator and trainer for the wildly popular Power 90 and P90X workout DVDs.  His book is full of inspirational tidbits, nutritional advice, recipes as well as a full section of detailed workout moves.  In the beginning of the book, Tony talks about the importance of getting your head in the right place for exercise, getting fit and living a positive existence.  He calls it the "Cycle of Success".  He says that often times (unfortunately), the perils of negativity and self-doubt live within all of us.  He maps out 12 specific success tools to get everyone on the right path to fitness, health and living a better overall life.  These 12 tools are integral if one is looking to make a change and start living a healthier lifestyle.  The one out of the 12 that spoke to me most deeply was his advice to "Be Amazing".

Everyone wears a mask - one which often hides our "true self" from the rest of the world.  We often deny ourselves the ability to be authentic and true in order to try and fit in and be who we THINK others want us to be.  Part of living a Fit Full Life is being AUTHENTIC, TRUE and AMAZING!!!!!  We need to stop caring what others think of us.  We need to stop being so sensitive to other's criticism and negativity.  We need to stop focusing on the negative voices within us and (as Tony says) "celebrate your victories and accomplishments and recognize the things you do really well."  

Years ago, a friend of mine asked me to take an indoor rock climbing class with her.  I was totally and utterly freaked out by this notion!  "Are you kidding me??!!"  The possibility of the rope snapping or the harness malfunctioning thereby sending me plummeting to my death did not even enter my mind!  What I worried about was....what if someone sees and makes fun of my giant, dimpled bum as I am suspended in the air attached to a teensy rope.  Yes, my friends, that was my biggest fear.  You know what?  I needed to get over it and forget about what others thought!  This was a fun class that I was taking for ME, to better myself and to get over some fears (of heights and teensy ropes) and shed my self-consciousness.
After the first rock climbing competition I ever did!
A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to display Beachbody products at a local Health Fair.  It was an incredible opportunity, with the potential to speak to over 2,000 people about the awesomeness that is Beachbody.  However, I was dragging my feet and couldn't commit!  What was wrong with me??  Fear!  Self-doubt!  Negativity!  What if I couldn't do it??  What if no one talked to me?  What if I wasn't successful?!  After about a week of questioning myself, my wonderful husband sat me down and said "Just do it!  You love what you do and people need to hear it.  What have you got to lose?" So I did it and it was a fantastic day!  I had the opportunity to speak about what I am passionate and I hopefully was able to lead others toward living healthier lives.  It was worth stepping out of my comfort zone!!

Me in front of my Beachbody table at the DreamRide Health Fair
So, the bottom line:  YOU are defined by everything you are - your inner being, your mind, your talents, your everything.  Let that be your guide, let it out and BE AMAZING every day!  When you start living as your true self, it is the most freeing feeling in the world.  Keep in mind, this is not something that is accomplished in one day or even throughout a 63 day exercise program.  Living authentically takes time (maybe even years) especially since people tend to change throughout the years.  Open your eyes, recognize what you need to change in order to live this way and start living for YOU (not others) and become the most amazing YOU that you can be!  Once you start doing that, you will see awesome things start to happen!


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