Monday, February 21, 2011

Busy Busy!!

So, I try not to be a complainer or live in a negative way, but I'm going to let you in on a little secret.....I LOATHE the word "busy".  It just drives me bonkers.  "Busy" grates on my nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard.  When people say "I'm always so busy" or "I was too busy to (fill in the blank)" or especially "I have no time for that because my life is just so busy" it makes me want to scream!!  The last time I checked, we all have the same amount of time every day.  24 hours in one day.  168 hours in one week.  I understand there are people who have a lot going on.  Jobs, kids, activities, housework, family obligations, yadda, yadda.  What I fail to understand is why some people feel that their "busy" outweighs everyone else's "busy".  Why do some people use their "busy" as an excuse (as in "I am too busy to exercise" or "I am too busy to eat right")?  168 hours in a week (and how we use that time) is all about choice, not a scheduling issue.  Despite a full schedule, obligations, a seemingly endless list of "to dos", people have to be willing to make a choice - especially when it comes to making time for exercise, or properly planning nutritious food options.  Yes, it does take a little time.  Yes, it does take scheduling.  Yes, it does take effort.  If everyone would just be honest from the get go and drop the word "busy" from their vocabulary, I think I can live with that.  If people would just tell it straight (as in) "No, I don't exercise because I don't want to get up an extra hour earlier in the morning" or "I don't prefer to eat healthy options because I am too lazy to shop for or prepare it" at least it's straightforward honesty and no more bogus "too busy" excuses.    

If you are willing, ready and able to make the choice to open up your sechedule, my advice is to honestly look at the 168 hours you have in a week.  Figure out the amount of time you devote to everything you do in life: work, eat, sleep, play, family, miscellaneous tasks.  Be truly honest with yourself.  I am 100% sure there will be time left over somewhere in there to devote to a regular exercise program and the effort it takes to eat right.  The question remains, how much of that time are you willing to give yourself ?  If it means improving your health, your body, your outlook on everything, your life......aren't you worth that extra time?

Be honest with yourself and others.
Drop the word "busy" as an excuse for everything.
Start moving.
Start eating right.

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