Holy Moly!
I just looked at the date of my last post and it was a LONG time ago. What have I been up to since my last post? A lot! I have been to the beach, to a lake house in Maine, celebrated an anniversary, spent a week in Disney World, enjoyed a birthday whale watch, participated in the Beachbody Success Club Team Challenge and throughout it all, I remained dedicated to working out and eating right.
I am so blessed to have had a healthy, wonderful, full and FUN summer. My family is amazing and I am so happy to have gotten to spend so much awesome time with them (and yes, that last photo is me holding a dozen cupcakes - it's all about balance, right?).
~ Cheers!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Shake Pops
True confession time: I have a massive sweet tooth! I love sweet treats of any kind....cupcakes, ice cream, cookies.....oh my. But my biggest weakness? CHOCOLATE!!! Mmmmm, yummy!!! Whenever I go to a restaurant and feel the need to order a dessert (chocolate or otherwise), no one better come near it. I make it very clear to everyone around me that I do not share dessert! If they want some, they better order their own! When it arrives at the table, it's all mine. Get your spitty fork away from my dessert, ya hear??
So, with my rigorous exercise and nutrition regimen in place, and because I am working VERY hard to lose weight and be fit, there really is no room for decadent treats. Woe is me. Summer is my favorite time for "the bad stuff", too. Good news, however. I believe I may have come up with a solution to this problem. Shake pops!!! Recently, my awesome Beachbody Coach had mentioned that she wanted to try making Shakeology into frozen popsicles. I decided to "borrow" the idea and give it a try. How perfect would this be? I decided to make one of my very favorite things in the whole wide world into a frozen dessert!
The first thing I had to do was head to the Dollar Tree and buy some popsicle molds. These particular molds are teensy (probably only 2 ounces each pop), but they will do the trick (I'll just be able to eat more than one)!
Next, I made a blender full of Shakeology. For this one, I did not use my usual Almond Milk, but opted for 1% milk instead (1/2 cup) - just in case my (nut allergic) child wanted to sample one. In this case, I was willing to share. I also used 1/2 cup of water. For fruit, I added about 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries and 1/2 cup of frozen mixed fruit (to include peaches, mango, pineapple chunks and more strawberries) as well as 1 scoop of chocolate Shakeology.
Once blended, I poured the concoction into the popsicle molds. There was plenty left over too, so I poured the excess into an ice cube tray. One never knows when one might need to refresh a Shakeology with a frozen Shakeology cube!
Deliciousness in the making! |
Next step, is of course, putting the lids on the molds and popping them into the freezer.
So colorful! |
A few hours later, the treats were ready! I was excited. My assessment? It tastes a little different than a traditional Shakeology shake (not as chocolaty), plus it's a little grainy (due to the water content). I gotta honestly say, it's not a sugary, decadent treat, but it's okay. It isn't a fudgesicle, an ice cream or a naughty frozen dessert, but it will definitely do the trick when sweet cravings overtake me and my self-control is nowhere in sight. The beauty of Shakeology is that it contains so many awesome ingredients, and it helps to reduce cravings. I will definitely be tweaking this recipe until it at the utmost of perfection and I will definitely be keeping my readers posted when perfection happens!
Give it a try and let me know how yours turns out!
Friday, June 24, 2011
On the Road to Amazing!
~Tony Horton
I recently purchased Tony Horton's new book "Bring It!". Tony is the creator and trainer for the wildly popular Power 90 and P90X workout DVDs. His book is full of inspirational tidbits, nutritional advice, recipes as well as a full section of detailed workout moves. In the beginning of the book, Tony talks about the importance of getting your head in the right place for exercise, getting fit and living a positive existence. He calls it the "Cycle of Success". He says that often times (unfortunately), the perils of negativity and self-doubt live within all of us. He maps out 12 specific success tools to get everyone on the right path to fitness, health and living a better overall life. These 12 tools are integral if one is looking to make a change and start living a healthier lifestyle. The one out of the 12 that spoke to me most deeply was his advice to "Be Amazing".
Everyone wears a mask - one which often hides our "true self" from the rest of the world. We often deny ourselves the ability to be authentic and true in order to try and fit in and be who we THINK others want us to be. Part of living a Fit Full Life is being AUTHENTIC, TRUE and AMAZING!!!!! We need to stop caring what others think of us. We need to stop being so sensitive to other's criticism and negativity. We need to stop focusing on the negative voices within us and (as Tony says) "celebrate your victories and accomplishments and recognize the things you do really well."
Years ago, a friend of mine asked me to take an indoor rock climbing class with her. I was totally and utterly freaked out by this notion! "Are you kidding me??!!" The possibility of the rope snapping or the harness malfunctioning thereby sending me plummeting to my death did not even enter my mind! What I worried about was....what if someone sees and makes fun of my giant, dimpled bum as I am suspended in the air attached to a teensy rope. Yes, my friends, that was my biggest fear. You know what? I needed to get over it and forget about what others thought! This was a fun class that I was taking for ME, to better myself and to get over some fears (of heights and teensy ropes) and shed my self-consciousness.
After the first rock climbing competition I ever did! |
A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to display Beachbody products at a local Health Fair. It was an incredible opportunity, with the potential to speak to over 2,000 people about the awesomeness that is Beachbody. However, I was dragging my feet and couldn't commit! What was wrong with me?? Fear! Self-doubt! Negativity! What if I couldn't do it?? What if no one talked to me? What if I wasn't successful?! After about a week of questioning myself, my wonderful husband sat me down and said "Just do it! You love what you do and people need to hear it. What have you got to lose?" So I did it and it was a fantastic day! I had the opportunity to speak about what I am passionate and I hopefully was able to lead others toward living healthier lives. It was worth stepping out of my comfort zone!!
Me in front of my Beachbody table at the DreamRide Health Fair |
So, the bottom line: YOU are defined by everything you are - your inner being, your mind, your talents, your everything. Let that be your guide, let it out and BE AMAZING every day! When you start living as your true self, it is the most freeing feeling in the world. Keep in mind, this is not something that is accomplished in one day or even throughout a 63 day exercise program. Living authentically takes time (maybe even years) especially since people tend to change throughout the years. Open your eyes, recognize what you need to change in order to live this way and start living for YOU (not others) and become the most amazing YOU that you can be! Once you start doing that, you will see awesome things start to happen!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Pushing Through
"If you don't push yourself past the barrier, there's no way you're going to progress."
~ Shaun T
June 7, 2010 - Day 1 of INSANITY |
June 7, 2010 - Day 1 of INSANITY |
So, as you know, I've been working hard and sweating it out day after day in my basement. I began this journey almost one year ago. June 7, 2010 is my INSANITY "birthday". Since the day I began, I've completed several rounds of INSANITY, did a month of P90X and dabbled in other Beachbody programs. I thought I had gotten into fairly decent shape. I lost weight. I lost inches. People were noticing and making comments about the changes in me. It all felt great!!! I was (am) very proud of the weight and inches I had lost during those rounds of INSANITY, but for some reason, I felt the urge to continue to push even harder and dig even deeper. The best was yet to come......
Entering The Asylum:
May 1, 2011 - Day 1 of The Asylum |
May 1, 2011 - Day 1 of The Asylum |
May 1, 2011 - INSANITY The Asylum Changes Everything
The beginning of May and entering The Asylum changed everything for me! The Asylum is a 30 day, over-the-top-extreme fitness program featuring the same trainer (Shaun T) as in the INSANITY workouts. It features sports specific drills involving an agility ladder, weights, resistance bands, a jump rope - every tool in the fitness trainer's tool box!
Yesterday, was my Performance Assessment (or Fit Test) or Day 30 of INSANITY The Asylum. The end of round 1 for me (since I plan to start round 2 on Monday)!!! I found out through this assessment that I am stronger, faster, and have more inner gumption than I ever thought possible. I was assessed in nine different areas in categories of speed, strength and agility. From Day 1 to Day 30, I improved dramatically in all areas. I am very proud of this accomplishment. I also weighed and measured myself. From Day 1 to Day 30, I lost an additional 8 pounds and 8.5 inches!
I know that most of you don't know what any of this means, but here are my Performance Assessment results (the first number is Day 1, the second number is Day 30):
Agility Heisman : 7 > 8
In/Out Ab Progression: 27 > 47
Lat Push-Up: 15 > 20
Mountain Climber Switch Kick: 60 > 80
Agility Shoulder Tap: 4 > almost 6
X Jump: 20 > 33
Moving Push-Up: 3 > 3.5
Agility Lateral Shuffle: 13 > 15.5
Agility Bear Crawl: 6 > 9.5
One thing I took away from this program is something that Shaun T says in one of the workouts. He basically says that you can do anything you put your mind to if you have the MENTAL strength to do so. He says "if you don't push yourself through the barrier, there is no way you are going to progress." This is an incredibly important quote to remember and is significant in weight loss, fitness and life itself. There are always going to be barriers that hold us back. There will always be something that stops our progress, happiness, success, comfort. We need to rely on our mental strength to push ourselves through those barriers and get better! Shaun T also says, "if you left it up to your body, you'd have quit a long time ago". This is so true! Our mind is what gets us through everything - especially when the going gets tough! What are your barriers? What is something that is holding you back? Will you make the commitment today to pushing through so you will see amazing progress on the other side? 30 days is not a lot of time and yet I have had the fastest and most satisfying results to date. As I said, I plan to do another round.
June 5, 2011 - The completion of Round 1 of The Asylum! |
June 5, 2011 - The completion of Round 1 of The Asylum |
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Hubby As Guest Blogger Part 3
Paul Speaks Part 3
Carrie and I walk to the stadium, register and go up to the workout room in the Fidelity box. To say I'm a bit nervous would be an understatement. Today I am going to do two 60 minute workouts with the guy that created the Insanity workouts. This is not me working out in my basement.....no phoning it in folks! We told him the night before we have been doing this for about a year and I'm sure he is not going to let us slack. There are all kinds of people there from very fit to some that are in the middle of their fitness journey. You can feel the nervous energy in the air. We were told by the event organizer that there are going to be about 150 people working out. Lots of people are talking to one another about the different workouts they have been doing from P90X to INSANITY to several other Beachbody exercise programs. We also realized that there are a few local "Fit Clubs" here. These groups get together at local gyms or other halls to exercise together to Insanity etc... 9:30 rolls around and we hear Ozzy's "Crazy Train" being played and in comes Shaun T. Carrie and I are in the back of the room in order for us to have enough room to move during the workout. Shaun T starts to high five and shake hands with people and sees me and shakes my hand as well! Carrie said he probably looked at me and thought "You've been doing Insanity for a year huh? I'm going to KILL you now!!!"
Getting a handshake from Shaun T on his way into the venue |
He gets up on stage and gets his stuff together and starts the workout and now I'm thinking "Here we go this is it. Let's see if yo can hang with him like the people in the videos". I have said to Carrie from time to time that even he can't do his entire video workouts cause he stops and goes around to the other people in the videos to encourage and to correct form. Well, I can say now that HE CAN do his entire workouts. This guy has muscles on top of muscles. I know he is a fitness professional and should look like this but he takes it very seriously and I can relate to that with things in my life. After the warm-up I am back to when I started Insanity that first night and think I am gonna die here.
Dying already and it's only the warm-up (the WARM-UP!!!) |
He is running this workout faster than what is on the videos! Again I say to myself "I can do this, this will not beat me" The whole room gets through about 30 minutes of working out and he stops everything and tells us to take a break and listen. Now he is going to give the key piece of information I needed except I didn't know he was going to do this. It usually takes one piece of information to bring it all together for me. Whether it was going to night school taking all those engineering classes, playing the drums or making cymbals for that matter. He said "When you feel you can't do it anymore and you want to stop, push through and channel that mental energy telling you to stop into positive energy and tell yourself you can push through" It's a mental thing people not physical! You can take a break and take two quick deep breathes but get back into it. Push through and Dig Deeper People!
Shaun T giving a motivational pep-talk in the middle of the workout |
OK that's it! I got it now. No more needs to be said. He continues the work out and he is walking around the room encouraging, working out next to people and really energizing the room. All of a sudden he is standing next to me doing one of the exercise moves and I am worried he is going to tell me to go faster. So I keep up with him and he moves on to someone else. I realize that the little talk in between the workout has changed my focus. I am no longer in a room working out with 150 people I am working out with and against myself! I get into a trance and am just listening to his cues to change from one exercise move to another. So, 60 minutes is now up and I have a sense of accomplishment and a little relief!
Drenched in sweat after workout #1 with Shaun T |
Carrie and I have about 5 1/2 hours before we do the second workout at 4 pm. I very rarely work out twice in one day especially at this level of intensity. I got through the first workout and am determined to get through the second. We went back to our hotel room took showers and headed out for a nice lunch. We headed back to the Fidelity box to have our picture taken with Shaun at the meet and greet that started at 2. We waited in line until it was our turn and Carrie gave him a really big hug that made Shaun T laugh a bit.
He then said something to Carrie about my determination during the workout, which I totally missed him saying, and that indicated to me that he is really watching everyone during the event. Carrie asked about the second workout and Shaun said he is really gonna bring it and it will be harder than the first. I'm thinking great. but also told myself, I can do this. 4 pm rolls around and we're told that Shaun T is not quite ready yet and at about 4:20 he comes out. Now having played drums for almost 33 years I know that you have to mentally prepare for a gig. I know why he was late and why he didn't start right at 4. He was in a room mentally preparing to do the workout with us. Although he is a fitness expert he still has to prepare mentally and not just rush into things. As we start the second workout he says be prepared because I am going to kill all of you! Well, the second workout was twice as hard as the first. About 20 - 30 people were not at the second workout. Either they had other commitments or the first workout wasn't what they thought it was going to be and decided to bail on the second. A couple of moves that he had us do toward the end included a 64 count push up, 32 counts down and 32 counts up. Are you kidding me?! He told us it is not in the arms people it is in your core. Tighten up your core and you will be able to do this move with him. Well he was right, I tightened up my core and noticed it was a little easier.
Telling us it's all in the core - right before the killer 32 count push-ups |
I remember looking up to watch him and he was solid as a rock doing this. One of the last moves was to get into a squat position and do 64 low squat pulses up and down with your arms straight out. He told us that if anyone gets up out of the squat position to take a break that he is starting the count all over again. Well a few people couldn't do it and he DID start over again.....twice! One of the people that caused us to start over was the event coordinator Kevin!!! We were all yelling at him. I felt like my quads were being poked with a red hot spike. The workout is now done and we stretch to finish up and I have this huge sense of accomplishment. I feel like I have climbed a Mt. Everest in one day. Carrie and I changed out of our workout clothes, clean up in the restrooms and get into our street clothes. What a great day. One that will I will never forget.
Workout #2 is done and the event is over. Beachbody Diamond Coach Kevin Lopes presenting Shaun T with a personalized Patriots jersey |
The one thing that I have taken away from this experience is that I have to use my mental ability to keep going when I think I can't. This has changed my focus with exercising and life from now on. I am also changing my outlook on my diet. I am really starting to look at what I eat everyday. Shaun T said at the end of the workout to not deprive ourselves of things that we like. It is OK to have a dessert after dinner once in a while. Control your portions. It is a lifestyle he told us, not a race that you complete. This race never ends.
I am now renewed with exercising. I am still doing Insanity but it is different now as I am not just trying to get through the routine, I am challenging myself to work harder during it - creating more personal goals within the workout. I'm very much looking forward to when I can attend one of these workouts with Shaun T again!
There is no finish line. Always a work in progress! |
Thanks, Peace out :)
Monday, May 30, 2011
Hubby As Guest Blogger
Paul Speaks - Part 2
Now that I have a weight goal in mind I knew that I needed to change how I was eating. Insanity comes with a nutrition plan but I didn't really look at it and still haven't started to follow it. But I did change my eating habits. Junk food is cheaper than healthy foods and that is why Americans are so overweight. We decided to start to eat more and more veggies and fruits. I also cut down the portion sizes I was eating at each meal and eat SLOWER, that way my brain knew my stomach was getting full. In July Carrie got me a bag of Shakeology for my 42 birthday. She was using this as a meal replacement and was preaching the wonders of the ingredients to me and once again I was SKEPTICAL! Well now I have my very own bag and she volunteered to make me a delicious shake. I have this bag of powder so I might as well have a chocolate smoothie. I told her sure and let her make me one. Well I have to say it tasted great! I have been drinking this for breakfast since last July. My overall cholesterol has gone down 30 points and my blood pressure has gone down as well. I attribute this to the exercising everyday and the healthy shakes every morning.
So I am in my daily workout routine with Sunday as my day off. I actually get frustrated if there is a day I cannot exercise due to work commitments or if the family's schedule does not allow me. I am seesawing between 150 and 153 lbs and trying to figure our how to get the weight to stay at the lower number. If I have one fault, I have the ability to really focus on something to reach my goals. So I am committed to getting to where I want and won't stop until I have reached it. The one big thing I notice is that I feel really great and that I am sleeping better and the biggest thing is that I haven't gotten sick this past winter season. Every year I usually get a whopping case of the Flu that takes me out for at least three days. I attribute not getting the Flu to the regular exercising and change in diet to include larger portions of green veggies. I have always loved steamed Broccoli and would eat this every night as my vegetable if the family would let me!
Carrie and I arrive at Gillette the evening before the event. The local Beachbody coach Kevin, who arranged the event, has set up a meet and greet with Shaun T and a couple of Patriots cheerleaders at the Patriots Place shopping mall area. We walk to the area where the table is set up and we stand in line and notice that everyone in the line is a young male and they want to get their picture taken with the Cheerleaders! We got to the table and said to Shaun T "We're here to see YOU!" His face immediately lit up and asked if we have been doing INSANITY? We both said yes and he got up came around from the table and talked to us for a while about the workouts and what it was like filming them with all the people in the videos. We asked him what Saturday's workouts were going to be like and he said he hadn't decided yet put it was probably going to be pretty tough. Great I thought. We took some pictures with him and me with the cheerleaders. I had to take a picture with them, they're pretty cheerleaders after all and wasn't going to miss that opportunity.
Shaun T meet and greet May 13 |
The "must have" photo op with two pretty Patriots cheerleaders |
Stay tuned to hear more from Paul...............
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Hubby As Guest Blogger
Paul Speaks - Part 1
(It's a long one so will have to be in a couple chapters!)
It's been two weeks since Carrie and I worked out, twice, with Shaun T at Gillette stadium on Saturday May 14th. My exercise workout journey has been developing over the course of many, many years. First off I am going to emphatically say "I HATE TO EXERCISE" I would rather sit and read the paper or watch some worthless mind numbing TV show. Now having said that, I now LOVE the Insanity workout DVD program. My exercise journey got a big jolt of energy last June. I had been a member of a couple of gyms and had really let my exercise regimen slack. Carrie had mentioned this infomercial about a DVD set called "Insanity" and like everything, I kind of shrugged it off. Who wants to exercise in their basement? I also said to her "those things don't work in the long run. Its just a money grab" and "I will never look like those people as they have trainers and nutritionists that are looking over their every move in order to get them to look good to sell the DVDs!" Because I am a very frugal person, cheap sometimes, I agreed that this was a more worthwhile investment than two gym memberships that we probably won't use that often. Plus, Carrie was very very excited about it. What did I have to lose I thought? Maybe some weight! I remember Carrie either emailed me or called me at work to tell me that the INSANITY box had shown up. You would have thought it was Christmas at our house! I can be a very skeptical person at times and hadn't really bought into this exercise program but wanted to support Carrie because of her excitement. We watched the very first DVD called Fit Test. This judges where you are through a series of different exercise moves. You are to log your results, how many of each you were able to do, and then do it again some weeks later to see how you improved.
I vividly remember the night I began this exercise program because I thought I was going to die. It was a Monday night. Carrie went off to work. I put the kids to bed and changed into some workout clothes and headed for the basement. I put in the fit test DVD and started the routine. Now I have run 5K and 10K road races and used to run on average 3 - 5 miles a day. So I believed I could do just about anything. I did this fit test and at the end of it fell to the floor leaning against the couch and thought to myself this is the day I die. I was not only winded but my muscles were shaking. Folks, this is not the exercise program, this is a fit test to gauge where you are at. I hadn't even put in one of the DVDs that you actually exercise to!!! My only thought was Carrie will come home in a few hours and find her husband dead on the playroom floor. I sat there for a half an hour. Then I got mad. "This thing was not going to beat me" I said to myself. So, I started the next evening with the first DVD. At the bottom of the screen is a time line of how long each exercise move will be along with the overall time for this particular DVD. I looked and it said something like 39 minutes. I thought to myself "I got this". So it works like this. You do a three cycle rotation of warm up exercises. Each one is three minutes long before you get a break. So you do the routine for three minutes with each round getting faster than the last until the nine minutes are up and you can take a break. So I decided to relate this to something I know, running, guess what, it is not like running at all. It is not one thing you warm up with. You run and then you do jumping jacks and then something called Heisman and then two or three other different moves until you repeat the whole thing again. After three minutes I am ready to call 911 again. Now you get a 30 second break in between.
30 seconds is really long most of the time but when your exercising it is really, really short. I now have 30 more minutes of this!?!?!? Well I got through it and Carrie asked me how I liked this move or that move. I think I complained but still wasn't going to give up. She was very encouraging and was glad I was doing it.
About two months into doing Insanity I notice that my pants are getting looser on me. I now have to wear a belt to keep them from falling down! OK so now I am seeing some results. Carrie had taken some before pictures in June and now wanted to take some more pictures in order for me to see the transformation that has taken place. Now I didn't think I looked bad back in June, because I think very highly of myself, but when I saw the pictures from two months later I realized just how chubby I was. In June I was around 168 - 170 lbs. and in August I was down to about 155 - 156 lbs! Not bad I thought. I now decided on a goal weight. The lightest I have ever been in my adult life was 147 lbs around the time I got married and that was probably for only a 1/2 an hour that I was at that weight. So my new weight goal was to get to 150 lbs.
December 2010 - about 6 months into the program |
Stay tuned to see more of Paul's INSANITY transformation story.......
Monday, May 16, 2011
Crazy Train!!!!
This past Saturday, I had the amazing opportunity to spend the day working out and hanging out with Shaun T and other incredible Beachbody Coaches and customers. We got to spend the entire day at Gillette Stadium (yep, the home field of the New England Patriots) for what was to be one of the best experiences of my life!!!! As a reminder, Shaun T is the (extremely buff) trainer from the INSANITY workout program. Here's a delightful little sampling of his madness and the true INSANITY of this workout program!
Our workouts on Saturday were similar to the ones from the dvds in that there were many familiar moves and I was used to his style of teaching. There was, however, no pause button and by the end of the first workout, my husband and I were drenched in SWEAT!!! Nice, don't you think?
Here's a little of how I felt about the whole experience:
Two full workouts (one hour each), over 150 in attendance, 5 bottles of water consumed (by me alone), 5 clothing changes, several pounds of sweat, estimated over 1200 calories burned and suffice it to say, it was one of the best days ever!!! Now, let me make this clear (and this may surprise you - ha ha)......working out is not always fun for me, nor is it my most favorite thing to do!!!! I do love the end result though - the feeling of euphoria knowing I did something that I did not think was possible!! Eating right is also a struggle and a full time job for me. There is no "finish line" with this! It's an ongoing process of making a daily commitment to myself (no matter how difficult it seems or how tempting the alternative may be).
I will be posting more about this awesome day and all
the wonderful experiences in the days to come. Until
then, I plan to keep plugging away in The Asylum!
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